The heart to love siblings drives spiritual growth between childhood and marriage. It brings us into a special realm of God’s heart, the heart of brother and sister love. Let’s look at Jesus’ teachings on how we should love as brother and sister.
In the parable of the talents, Jesus taught a lesson for siblings. God gives us talents, and then withdraws Himself. We decide what to do with them. If we invest them for others, and give the return to Him, He gives us more talents, for He knows we will use them for others.
The heart to love siblings drives spiritual growth between childhood and marriage.
Jesus told us, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” This is another lesson to learn as siblings. The fact that the sun rises on you does not mean that you are better than others. It rises on everyone. As God loves even those we consider enemies, so should we.
Sibling love means we identify with our brother or sister. When your parents love your sister, you feel happy. If she becomes wealthy, you enjoy visiting her mansion as if it were your own home. We take joy in our sibling’s success, and do not envy. Envy and theft arise by the failure of brother-sister heart.
Our parents’ love empowers us to honor our brother and sister. We imitate our parents’ love for our brother or sister, and would never violate their dignity, their hopes, and their purity. A true brother protects his sister; a true sister keeps her brother pure.
To honor brother and sister is to honor parents. It’s no surprise that social research finds a direct correlation between criminality and the absence of parents and grandparents. When parents fail, the brother sister realm of heart cannot emerge. Adam and Eve’s separation from their Parent stunted the growth of Cain and Abel. It laid the groundwork for murder. When Adam and Eve left their Parent, they could not honor each other as brother and sister.
A true brother protects his sister; a true sister keeps her brother pure.
Conflicts in the original family multiplied to the level of peoples, races, religions and nations. Here’s the takeaway: to achieve world peace, we need a new Adam and Eve, True Parents, on the level of the people, race, religion and nation.
References: Mt 5:44-45; Mt 25:14-29.