The King of Heart


The Divine Principle teaches there is no freedom without results based on heart.

Father Moon had aspirations for great results: millions of members, the end of Communism, a unified nation of all religions, races and peoples, a garden-like natural world.

But these results were meaningless unless they were based on heart.

Father Moon had aspirations for great results, but they had to come through heart.”

In John 6, when the crowd asked Jesus, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” they wanted to hear about great results: drive out the Romans, heal the sick, feed the hungry, lift Israel to glory. But Jesus talked about heart. He said, “believe in the one he has sent… I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.”

Hearing this, the crowd left and many of his disciples turned back. Jesus wanted the people to enter his heart. From an operational point of view, it was irrational.

Father Moon told theologians to engraft into him. He told clergy that True Parents are the Messiah. He told political and social leaders to teach absolute sex. He changed his church leaders’ positions and plans every month. In every case, the crowd left and many of his disciples turned back. From an operational point of view, it was irrational. It seemed that whatever he built up, he tore down.

True Parents want us, before we go out to the world, to come in to their heart.

But how about from God’s point of view? Heavenly Parent sent True Parents to bring the kingdom of heaven on earth. If we are not absolutely selfless, tested again and again, the power we unleash will destroy us and the world.

True Parents want us, before we go out to the world, to come into their heart, to meet them in the place of offering everything, where we will find, as Jesus said, “I am gentle and humble in heart.”

There we find our real results, our real freedom.  

(Photo: Father Moon with UTS students whom he called to earn doctorates in religion, 1977. Citations: Exposition of Divine Principle p. 74; John 6:25-69, 8:48; Matt 11:29.)



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